Bonanote River

BONANOTE FIUME poem by Giulio Scala
read by B. Nacinovich (3:20)
I'm dreaming that I'm coming back
to walk along the banks
I just
Vardando - lontàn - the lights of the
Brilàr as a stèle
You sleep on the cocai of the magasini.
On the cantón de Braida,
In Viàl
Around the ferài, sofigadi in the greenery
Turn the patrol
of the pipistrèi.
Summer evening.
The air is lukewarm, the air is warm
And of combri rostidi on the carbòn
Dai ciosòti, cuciadi
On the bridge of the bragòzo.
Su'l bragozo vizin
the carbide flame, the ilùmina the fete
de watermelon
Blood color.
Another el ga already molà le zime
And - with the motòr that the tosìsi soto voze -
El passa piàn piàn su l'acqua nera
In front of the Scovazze Pier.
Abbey the synthesis of the thousand lights
That three of them.
Drio del Mololungo un rimorciadòr
El ne mostra el rosso :
El goes towards Porto Baross.
Una bava de ventisèl la me fa grìzoli
On the brazo...
It's time to go home.
Towards Bonaroti,
Used on the streets and stairs
In front of an ostarìa
With the rolò mid-evening
And with these tables-in dark-on the pavement
If you see the red dot
De un spagnolèto impizado.
A white cat with black macie
El traversa cùcio cùcio la strada
In pùnta de pìe.
Bonanòte Fiume.
Arrangements, backing tracks and recording – Bruno Nacinovich